Oof! I give thanks for making it through the day despite still feeling so feeble. For my helpful taxi driver - even just knowing it will be him is a help! And for kind Mel at the unit suggesting, and providing, a mug of soothing peppermint tea. My tummy is still not happy but that was very welcome. For thinking of something small but nourishing to eat when I got home...and for it being available in the freezer and easily cooked and eaten.
I was also very grateful for my sofa, a hot water bottle to hug and a stunning match of tennis to enjoy. It might have been reaching its conclusion when the signal went on my TV but I won't know until I check the results. I'd been feeling sorry for the spectators who knew they'd have to leave due to the Paris curfew but I hadn't realised my own enjoyment would be abruptly cut short. I give thanks I'm good with aerials and cables and so on but I didn't have the energy to keep getting up and twiddling things, so I was delighted when a complete (sedentary) retune did the trick. And as that particular coverage seemed to have come to an end I guess I've a good idea of the outcome as one player was two sets and most of another behind when transmission failed! I give thanks for the glorious weather and the thought of people enjoying being out in it.