Thursday 6 October 2011


Good morning everyone, hope you are all in UNreasonably good health and spirits and, if not, that neither the care givers nor the treatment are making the situation worse! Good morning Lynn, your comment's appeared but your picture has disappeared as a follower. Hello Juliet though who has filled the gap - literally - which is why I didn't notice straight away! Hi Pat, the specialist ice cream shops shut but you can still buy a reduced range of the stuff at other outlets every day but Christmas Day!

I'm very creaky this morning as result of putting my energy burst to good use yesterday. I hope I can summon up a little more as Laura's busy the next week or two and there is so very much still to do. I'm very grateful for her input so far and delighted and astonished by mine! As anyone who decorates (properly) knows the tedious, time consuming prep takes at least as long as than the more flamboyant and prestigious finishing processes but in small stages I've got a remarkarkable amount done if I remember to look at it from the perspective of my current capabilities not a 'normal' person's. I'm not sure what normal is though...are you? It came to my attention the other day that there are women my age who have never used polyfiller (no quips about make up please!) How can this be? Oh, I get it, they have men who use it for them while they cook the tea or whatever. Of course, there are many men who have never cooked the tea or whatever. How manifestly strange...though I guess it works if they pair up appropriately.

Although many of these skills are but a memory now I give the deepest sincere thanks for being a being who could fill holes AND make tea, who could make up a recipe and bake a cake and make up a pattern and knit a jumper and crochet and sew and wallpaper and paint and put up a shelf and rewire a light fitting and make jewelry and grow veg and walk for miles and dance for hours and write stories and poetry and music and play it and songs and sing them. I could do all these things and more. How lucky have I been? How blessed? Inconceivably...

1 comment:

  1. Hi I just came across your blog and was really moved by the amount of work you put into it, how beautiful. It makes such a lovely change to read a piece of work with substance. Myself I am a Mindfulness practitioner and so your approach really resonates with me.
    I would love to follow your work and hope you will check out my blog thanks Julie


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