Tuesday 4 December 2012

Brown study

You know sometimes I write that I'm extra tired for no particular reason? Well today I must be tired because I've been so busy, well that and being in such a state of disrepair! As well as the usual physical challenges, I decided I needed a new place to store the second hall carpet remnant. The intended hall floor would be ideal but no takers for that task yet so I was womanhandling it around the flat into various positions for some time this morning before settling on a spot in the livingroom next to the tall bookcase. It's a brown carpet and a brown bookcase so that'll do for now...You can hide an elephant in the room as long as there's something else large and grey!

I've also expended quite a bit of energy trying to find out why the stats on my blog kept changing. I don't mean sometimes there'd be more people reading than at other times, but the number of readers of a post would fluctuate up and down from one moment to the next and 'all time' number was going up and down by a few hundred at a time ...so I sent a query to the blogger forum and received a reply telling me that when I started working on my blog instead of obsessing about figures then I'd get genuine readers instead of just referrer spam (which apparently is now being removed on the spot). Is it me or is this a little rude? I only look at the figures cos blogger make a big thing about displaying them...and I've never seen them change before my very eyes before. I'll never have a high readership because I'm unlikely to live long enough for vast numbers of people to care about spreading gratitude and oxytocin, and when vast numbers of people do, there'll be no need for my blog! I said I hoped his day was filled with joy, he sounds as if he needs a bit of love sent his way, it must be very frustrating dealing with people who don't know as much as you!

Yesterday I was being batted to and fro by the GP's surgery and the medical suppliers both of whom insist the others have the prescriptions I need. Actually it's just need the products I need but I guess none of them know what it's like to be low on such essentials from personal experience, so I'm sending them lots of love as well! Less gritted teeth love to the delivery man who brought such items as are ready for me...and much gratitude for the much needed goods too...

I'm grateful I made some tasty lunch (having somehow missed breakfast along the line) and for the steadfast support of the sofa beneath me. For wake up boo sunrise, end of the world is nigh grey skies and light at the end of the tunnel rainbows...This is the kind of thing - aren't they glorious? http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/pictures/20329000

May you all be well, may you be happy, may you be at peace...

1 comment:

  1. You are so great with words !!!!: )i seem to have lost the flow/plot (oooh flower pot?)lately,ive lost me sparkle a bit too ,but you are helping to restore my creativity started to sort out wool n needles n stuff !!xx


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