Wednesday 23 July 2014

Amazing space

I give thanks for a zombie evening, and dozy start to the day. It's being rather a demanding week and only half way through! I give thanks my toenails needed repainting, that's always an excuse for a bit of a sit still...

I give thanks for finally getting through to someone who could confirm my scan appointment was today even though the confirmation letter had still not arrived when I went to the Post Office yesterday, and for finally decided on the best way to get to it (well, second best after someone nice taking you in a car and saying 'Is there anywhere else you'd like to go while we're in the area?). I know I could go door to door with the patient transport service but I always want to go somewhere else while I'm in the area and, though I'm not at all adverse to chatting to chance met strangers along the way, I'd rather not be trapped in the company of someone who thinks they are being kind to those less fortunate than themselves or who is lonely and needs to talk. (The last sentence reads both ways deliberately!)

I'm grateful for the chance to escape angle grinders down the terrace and a very howly dog, to deliver a couple of items to the new food bank collection point at the station cafe and admire the new paintwork on the wrought iron there. I give thanks for seeing how the trackside repairs are going, and the all glorious countryside round about. Much gratitude for the sight of little Red Rock Cafe open, accessible and busy again, a long skein of geese over the estuary and Clive and Sally waiting for me on the green...

I give thanks for the city being relatively empty due to the heat so that grabbing the bargains I'd hoped to was much easier than I'd thought it would be. I'm grateful that though they felt like bricks when I was carrying them up from the bus stop they were actually rather nicer. I give thanks for finishing off my new dress and for a couple more episodes of the amazing Amazing Spaces to catch up with as I zombie out some more with my tea. 

I give thanks for a new lock on the communal door! This was requested within seven days on the Preliminary Notice sent less than a week ago, quite reasonably and legally...but one is not used to a reasonable and legal response. Watch this one...

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