Wednesday 26 November 2014

Where there's no sense

Hearing more of more neighbours than I prefer, last night I gave thanks for escaping into a long bath and a good book. I'm always grateful for how comfy my bath is for a wallow, that the ancient plumbing means the flats can't have individual water meters so I can keep topping it up! I give thanks to Bob for introducing me to the amusing and intelligent series the book came from too. It's set in an alternative reality and this one contains a TV programme called Evade the Question Time where 'distinguished public figures generally evade the audience's questions and instead toe the party line' Where does the author get his ideas, I wonder?

I'm grateful for setting the alarm on my tablet for the first time as I wanted to wake up early and see/hear how it worked. I'm grateful it happened in that order as planned - I hate being woken by alarms and usually only set them to warn my body clock not to let that happen!

I'm grateful for mostly winning the tiring, tiresome and sometimes tearsome struggles with basic tasks such as washing my hair and getting dressed, and that limited feeling and control of one's limbs can have its funny side too. The other day my hand was between my laptop and my lap and I suddenly thought 'What's that moving on my leg?'

I give thanks for following a sensible man to the unqueued for train door...and realising it was someone I used to work with and to chat to on the journey sometimes years ago. Nice to do it again! I give thanks for getting most of the things I went on the train for, before the stupor of pain and fatigue set in, and for a very long sit down in a cafe when it did so.

I was grateful I even remembered to go to 'Little Glastonbury' to see if they had a suitable incense burner (they did!), and just before I got to the station to come home I was also grateful I remembered that was where I left a shopping bag. Unfortunately this meant I missed the train so I was grateful there was no babysitter, or cross legged dog or wife with a souffle waiting! I'm grateful pretty much all I've done is lie down since I got home as that is pretty much all I can do...

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