Saturday 18 August 2018

Tougher than the rest

When I woke up this morning my first thought was 'My goodness I hurt!' or words to that effect... I give thanks I could stay in bed! I give thanks for finishing the most excellent How Not to be a Boy while I was there - one of the best books I've ever read. Funny and sad and honest and true...

I give thanks for a few hours after that rather creating a convincing impression of someone not juggling renal failure, fibromyalgia and a nasty case of knitters' thumbs and getting more stuff done. I give thanks for filling the last of my empty boxes so could pack that in for a bit and get on with general chores instead. I give thanks for clean bedding - I made my bed and I lay on it and promptly fell asleep!

I give thanks for there's some of yesterday's lentil stew left. I could eat red lentil dahl several times a week (and sometimes do!) but I decided to use the brown sort plus some elderly veg spiced up with smoked garlic, smoked paprika and garam masala. A highly recommended combination...

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