Thursday, 2 May 2019


I give thanks for a stay lady stay sort of day, once again not going anywhere. I had meant to go to gongs this evening but it was cancelled...and maybe do some local shopping in the morning but I was so slow to get moving there wasn't really enough time before Julie came to lay the the new-to-me rug for the French Quarter. I give thanks for her help and for how perfectly it fits the size of the space as well as the look and feel of it...

I give thanks for Kay's delicious vegan cakes, of which we shared a veritable feast and after which I had some more energy to do a bit more sorting out and finding homes for things. Nearly there with that part of moving in - mostly just need shelves to put things on, and possibly some hooks on the ceiling for hanging things though I'd need a giant to help me with that for sure! I give thanks in between feeling exhausted I have times of energy...and plenty of motivation for when they come around. For plenty of pleasant idle pursuits for when they don't...

I give thanks for a chap coming to replace the faulty window unit that was installed the other day. The downside of this being I now have to pay them and the DWP still haven't paid me the money they agree they will, let alone the amount they're still trying to wriggle out of! I give thanks I still have some savings to juggle around.

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