Sunday 22 July 2012

Sunshine and rain

I've been trying to increase the number of days I go out to three or four a week instead of one or two. As a weather god the first task was to make the climate even more appealing and I've done well there I think, don't you? Plan proceeding well on the going out front too, but I don't have any extra energy so there's been a lot of nothing in between. No housework, craftwork, diy's more pleasant avoiding some of these than others so today I'm cleaning the bathroom in instalments. I've done the loo and the washbasin and the mirror so far. Gleaming! I love it! I give great thanks for clean.

How blessed I am to live somewhere where it's relatively easy to make things so with a little elbow grease. I was watching someone sweep a dirt floor on TV last night and I'd really rather not! It was in a programme about persecution, murder and mutilation of albinos in Tanzania. Very sad and troubling in many ways but as is so often the case within grim accounts there were some inspiring people and moving tales as well. I give thanks for Josephat Torner and all who suffer yet campaign and struggle for change. And for the uplifting sound of African choral singing...there's something about the harmonies and rhythms really stirs my soul. You've probably heard it yourself even if it doesn't make you feel that way but I looked for a good example on Youtube to share and instead found this
The first few minutes are so wonderful they made my breath catch in my throat and tears come into my eyes.

I give thanks for the wonder that is Youtube..just like real life if you look search among the things that make you go 'what?' with a cry of despair you will find others that make the world seem right again.

Well, I've decided the best way to keep things clean and tidy is to have another little doze! May you all have a sunny Sunday in your hearts if not outdoors...

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