I give thanks that, having lent someone an old Office disc to
copy, she lent me the usb stick she copied it onto so that I now have a proper
word programme on my new laptop instead of the limp and frustrating freebie. In theory I could have done this myself with
my old laptop that has a disc drive but sadly the little gnomes that live
inside that one are on a work to rule and have ruled out a lot of work! I like
the cosmic logic of what has happened anyway…not what goes around comes around
but what goes down must come back up!
I give thanks I made it down to town here for a few jobs that needed to be done. One shop was on an extended lunch break and a queue formed outside, but after a bit I needed to sit down so took advantage if a coffee and fresh doughnuts offer at a nearby cafe instead. I love fresh doughnuts so great thanks for that and, as the cafe itself didn't appeal I sat on the seafront with a takeaway version enjoying the low cloud and misty rain and the way a shaft of sunlight lit up the headland (and caravans!) on the other side of the bay...
I'm grateful my latest blood tests show things have gone down that should already be further up, not because I like to dwell and tell where illness is concerned, but if I'm not feeling right I'd rather there's an obvious reason. It also meant when I was half way to the supermarket and suddenly thought 'No, I can't do this I need to go home right now,' I didn't think I ought to try harder but just gave up and got into a cab. I'm grateful there were no groceries urgently required and that I had the taxi fare.
And I'm grateful that some neighbouring houses had their fireworks tonight so that for the second evening running I've been dining in the dark watching their little displays. Rather yummy dinner too, though I say so myself!
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