First of all apologies for everyone who's had boy band songs in their heads for the last twenty four hours - well, unless that's your thing of course, in which case I hope you're giving thanks!
I give thanks, in the interests of tidiness over the last few days, for amassing lots of bits and and smaller bags in one of those huge oblong plasticky ones you get in cheapy shops...and then twigging that I could slide bump down the stairs instead of unpacking or carrying it. I give thanks for laughing out loud when I thought of neighbours wondering if I was disposing of a body...and as I've got a wicked chuckle if they heard that they're probably even more convinced! Of course I know you're not supposed to lift with your back, but my knees aren't keen either and my hernia really would rather I didn't at all, so I give thanks for 'pacing myself' as possible, taking a load down and then stopping and doing a sitting down thing for a while. I give thanks for a long over due messenger chat with Gary filling in the gaps in between...
So much stuff has so much stuff attached to I give great thanks to Mima and Jenny for their assistance in disposing of some of mine, though the reason I've gone back to calling it a tip is that over the last few years the folk running the local one have been far less interested in salvage than they used to be and I ended up bringing one bag of really quite useful items back when they consigned so many of the others to landfill after the merest glance!
Well, whatever you call it and whatever they do, I give thanks for the rain stopping when we got there and for the enjoyment of the second part of our day - a bluebell quest, which was eventually very successful. I give thanks for the sun coming out when we got out of the car and going in when we got back in; for a nice spot of lunch and for walking far further than we intended and indeed than I would have thought I could have these days. And yes it hurt but oh my did it feel good!
I give thanks for taking my camera and getting a few good shots of the the hazy blues of flowers and greens of the trees in the valley below. This is my favourite we walked through the blossom snow from some unnaturally tall cherries stretching up above their companions in the woods.
I give thanks for dragging myself back up the stairs and flopping on the sofa, before realising I needed to go to bed for an immediate nap! I give thanks for the gorgeous lemony light when I woke up... and know what I've been waiting for...thunder!!!
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