Tuesday 1 August 2017

No arm in it

I give thanks for being out in some sunshine yesterday as it started rainy today...and I couldn't think of a good reason to go any further than the post box... I really want to be using these last days of freedom well but without spending too many of my last pennies! I have some plans and I just have to keep hanging on to faith and my purse strings and hope that they come true...

As I've a couple of projects at the finishing off stage, I give thanks for Cathy saying yesterday the Friends of the Library are having a craft sale in the autumn to raise funds so could rummage in my stash for some nice yarn to inspire me to start something new and feel a bit useful again. For trying to ration the enthusiasm so I don't end up unable to use my hands for anything else...

I give thanks for Rachel needling me in the nicest way...and letting me let off some emotional steam. I'm not given to a great deal of grumbling but sometimes it's a relief to tell it how it really feels to someone rather than the way they'd prefer to hear, or to believe is true... And I give thanks for hearing her astonishment about my kayaking last week. Rachel is a sailor and has crossed the Channel many times, even the Atlantic, but she regards paddling that river in a stiff breeze, turning tide and summer traffic as both difficult and dangerous...and once found herself unable to move like we did and had to be towed by a rowing team! So Julie, if you're reading this, share the thought we really did do well and the polite people weren't just being polite!

I give thanks for Bob doing what he said he would and finding me a free DAW to check out and see if I can create some music again...

I give thanks for giving the appropriate section of the manual a thorough read and managing to connect my new camera to both my phone and my tablet...and to zoom in so much on an image from yesterday I spotted some nice positioning I completely missed with my naked eye (unsurprisingly - the house through the arch is the other side of the other estuary!) I give thanks there are more bells and whistles than I originally thought and one of the things you can do is take photos remotely with connected devices. This means I can snap a selfie from across the room if I should so choose...and there's no arm in it!

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