Saturday 26 August 2017

Ships that pass in the day

I give thanks for another day of good weather for folk out finding fun. For extra dark shades as I wanted to go out too but it was raining in my eyes...

For a scenic bus ride to a shop I was sure would have a couple of elusive food items, including cardamom seeds...and finding they did, plus some nice snack foods to lunch on in the sun. And for a place nearby having some cheap fat quarters I liked 3 of enough to buy to go with some other fabric, fillings and trimmings in my stash and make a cushion or two for the craft sale.

For seeing the pilot boat and a tanker leaving port from the unusual viewpoint of the hill climbing up on the other side of the river.

For mackerel skies and a murmuration of starlings as I drank a cup of takeway tea on the back beach between the flying flares and smoke of some re-enactment at the regatta and a band at the pub music festival playing That's Entertainment and Stuck in the Middle with You.

For the steel slide blues guitar busker by the bus stop. Serendipitous music is often the kind I like the best...

Sadly over the last couple of years I've lost the knack of wandering about contentedly on my own, so I give thanks for giving thanks for these moments. For overhearing a few conversations to remind me there are worse things than being on your own, and a few un-neighbourly goings on on my return to remind me there are worse things than wandering about, even discontentedly! I give thanks the guy upstairs got so cross with the dog next door he went off out in a huff for a while. I gave thanks for the feeling of solitude...which is very different from feeling alone.

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