I give thanks for
Hearing loads of fireworks last night though lack of windows meant I didn't see a single sparkle
Clean skin
Clean hair
Clarisssa finding time to help me shower. The is a desperate staff shortage, they have so much to do and delays attending to non urgent care are commonplace, particularly if you're loath to nag and moan, or believe you're the centre of everyone's universe.
For being patient and not nagging and moaning when no one answered my call bell this morning but finally getting the attention I needed by opening my mouth and showing a passing moithered HCA the feeding tube had come adrift and was waggling around on my tongue. I'd been steeling myself to stand my ground and insist it be removed whether for my 'own good' or not, so it was a great relief it did the job itself. Oh joy I have a choice of sleeping positions tonight!
A clean stoma bag...and being able to deal with that myself!
For Rachel opening the bottle of San Pellegrino Charlotte brought me last week. And for feeling well enough to want her to.
Tasty food and carefully eating some. As long as they keep on top of the IV anti sickness meds which isn't always possible when they are so stretched.
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