Wednesday 20 September 2017

A hole in one

I give thanks for getting on with some crafty things last night. As long as I don't do too much and make my hands hurt it can be very soothing temporarily reversing some entropy for a while. And it's nice when there's something I feel like doing and I can...

I give thanks for today's bad news (so far) only being that a gorgeous cashmere jumper I thought I'd bought on eBay isn't going to be sold after all as the vendor has a holes in of of the sleeves. I asked if it's mendable, and suggested I might be interested in buying it at a reduced price, but she said she'd taken it to a second hand shop already.  As recent disappointments go that's getting off quite lightly I reckon...

I give thanks for declaring my operated on operational enough again for a little light Shiatsu. Better get some in before they start chopping me about again!

I give thanks for a long email chat with the renal dietician about my struggles with the dietary restrictions. There's so much I have to do without or cut right down on I'm almost always hungry and/or worrying about the next meal. I give thanks I know I'm lucky to still feel well and have an appetite, and I just have to deal with it as best I can.

I give thanks for trying to get on with things even though I've been particularly inept today...and everything seems especially poignantly pointless.

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