Tuesday 26 September 2017

Ideas of good

I give thanks today's hospital visit was in the afternoon as another broken night, a particularly dazy post acupuncture phase, lots of meditation (in lieu of sleep), light fog in the air and Buddhist chants in my ears meant it took some hours to be ready for the 'real' world.

I give thanks for two good ideas coming to me as I did my shiatsu - one practical, one philosophical.

I give thanks for sights seen from the bus top - the boats seeming to sail through the sky, the flat oily looking sea with the softest reflections, the fringe of a bolted hedge on the crest of a hill.

I give thanks for the brave face... the jolly quip...the years of practice of hanging on to some semblance of identity on the medical conveyer belt. It's not just for me...the more I meditate and contemplate the less I see sense in our sense of ourselves, but I do think you have a better chance of both literal and metaphorical survival if you can remind the professionals you're not just another brick in the pension plan.

I give thanks I'm home and it's been quiet. For thinking of something I'd be allowed eat if I could just get off the sofa and finish cooking it!

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