Tuesday 21 January 2020


Although there's several sad reasons for this, I give thanks so few of my readers can appreciate what it's like to have cancer. Seeing it from the outside is very different from knowing it's inside you! Sometimes over the years I've wished I had someone beside me on this journey, but the reality is it's still one you have to make on your own, so I give thanks for my emotional self sufficiency...and for the times when I physically need help and am blessed enough to receive it. For local Jo, chauffeured by also local mutual friend John (duplicate names get confusing sometimes!) delivering some prescriptions and pampering products ordered online for a spot of self nurturing when I have the energy to prise myself away from TV and books.

Today, as my body is still processing the first dose of Pembro (long name short for the immunotherapy drug) and my arm still sore from the procedure, I've been grateful for an almost duvet day today, though the planned long lie in was cut short by workmen arriving on the landing a metre from my pillow at 9.00 am! I give thanks they eventually managed to get the old rotten window out and a new one fitted in but it was a tad noisy and chilly while they did it!

And talking of chilli, I give thanks the hastily put together tea I described dismissively to a day case nurse as 'one step up from a ready meal' was several stepladders up from any ready meal I've tried with chunks of tasty vegetables and tofu absorbing the spicy sauce do it had flavour too. Must do that again sometime... Special mention to the member of staff who not only remembered me from some other visit but also had a lovely positive and appreciative attitude. 'Look how light it still is!' she said when I was waiting for the taxi home. I'm always saying that to people late afternoon this time of year, and they give me such puzzled looks...such a nice change to meet someone who sees it the same way, and says so! 

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