Thursday 9 January 2020


I give thanks for food. We have so much, don't we? Quantity and quality and choice, even for folk who can't drive or walk to a lot of different shops, or have to follow a special diet. I give thanks for all the items we'd never even heard of as kids (especially kids like I was - raised on minimal cook convenience meals!) that tickle our tastebuds now...

I give thanks for books - informative, enlightening or amusing non-fiction, the winding trail of words that leads you into a novel's heart. For the warm hug of hot bath water when you're full of aches and pains.

If I could have stayed in the bath eating snacks and reading books I'd probably been a lot more grateful than I've managed to be for most of today which has been frustrated me many times. I give thanks for trying to be nice to oncology admin who seem to have a whole book full of different songs from the consultants, transport organisers and myself, but nonetheless putting my size four very firmly on the floor over some utterly unrealistic and unsympathetic timetabling. For remembering that small business owners can open and close whenever they fancy and don't have to stick to what it says on the door at all, even if you have tried to as a customer... For reasoning that £12 for a new photo for my new disabled bus pass is a bargain in terms of fares saved, but I can't get over the fact that it goes into a small town photographer's pocket rather that the council who offer the concession, and that if the booth I had travelled to use had been working it would have cost half that and no one to sneer at me for free! I give thanks for still being hopeful I might find a cheaper way before my current pass expires, though ironically it might take a bus ride or two! I give thanks I did at least manage to get the last pack of Cheeky Panda toilet rolls in the area before anyone else did. Selfish I know...

I give thanks for the bright bright sunshine this morning, and for the rain later in the day. It's great I could go out and at least try to do useful things, but if it's sunny I'd rather go out and play! Ooh, I just heard I got my Warm Home Discount added to my Bulb account - mmm, a long hot bath with a book before tea methinks!

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