Thursday 23 January 2020


Last night on Coach Trip Brendan told the passengers a bit about his former life and the death of his beloved long time partner which (eventually) transformed it. We were all moved to tears, and I remembered more of the story from a documentary a while ago when he explained that Les has been waiting for a kidney transplant when he died of heart failure. I give thanks that for some people donated organs can extend and enhance life, and for the upcoming change in relevant law intended to facilitate this. For the wonders of contemporary surgery, including the super glue they can put on small wounds like the one on my elbow so it's easier to keep clean while it heals.

I also give thanks for all the many times the aforementioned tour guide and his travellers have made me laugh over the years - that's good medicine too! For looking on line to see if he has written an autobiography, finding he had and ordering a second hand paperback copy straight away. I also found out it's his birthday today which explains a lot! Happy Birthday Mr Sheerin!

Talking of birthdays I give thanks for tentative plans to do something around the time of mine with Julie and Spencer who came over this afternoon for some help with errands and chores, and sharing tales of the curious behaviour of those better at being 'normal' than we are.

I've also been grateful my mojo is still around. I do know what I'd do without her as the answer is not a lot at all! It's good to feel more normal for me again... I've even started sorting out yarn and needles for a project I've had in mind for eighteen months or so. At the rate I'm likely to be able to progress making a garment will probably take another eighteen so its quite an act of faith but I've worked out the tension I prefer and if I could just find one of my tape measures I could make a start. In the meantime this is what optimism looks like folks...

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