Monday 20 January 2020


What a beautiful dawn this morning! I was grateful for seeing it, and even more so for the times I've been up early enough to do so willingly! For the heavy frost on the fields, verges and hedgerows and the low sun turning the bare tree branches red gold.

I give thanks for being up early enough to take into account how slow the traffic is that time of day, but unfortunately the person who booked my taxi didn't so I was nearly half an hour late for the treatment slot I'd been finally given after many weeks of asking. I was grateful there was a wifi signal in the waiting room so I managed to do a few things on my tablet and phone but
was mystified as the to why nobody came to whisk me away so I could be on my way to wait in a different part of the hospital for the afternoon. I was even more mystified when I asked and was told I 'wasn't on the programme' - why did they think I was there then?

I give thanks eventually they found a place to put me with an uncomfy bed not a chair, and for trying to control my desire to sulk! We were just getting sorted when a bemused new member of staff started looking for his missing patient...and eventually it was worked out that the absent chap was at an appointment and I was to take his side room slot so I could gratefully catch up on some zzzs.

I give thanks for getting bumped towards the end of the surgery list as this meant I could blag a cup of tea and relax a bit in the empty WiFi enabled day case waiting room. For it being a quick procedure and for also blagging a couple of slices of toast afterwards to keep me going while waiting for the taxi home.

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