Tuesday 28 January 2020


You get a very long list of possible side effects with the immunotherapy drug I've been given and, encouragingly (not), they say there could be more not mentioned! Some of the symptoms like fatigue and pain could be confused with fibromyalgia or kidney failure if you're lucky enough to have all three, but I've been inclined to think today it's the new meds not the old conditions making me wish I could recline all day. I give thanks for the hindrances to this being for the best - a delivery of stoma supplies to wait for and attend to, a very long winded but ultimately successful BT repair and Jo, who originally invited me to come out for lunch, bringing me a pint of milk so I didn't have to go anywhere but back to the sofa when all this was finally done. I also give thanks that other side effect -not listed here as this is a gratitude blog -being so far bearable if not particularly pleasant.

I give thanks for having more than three and a half hours to spare being not too involved with anything (including doing nothing at all ) for the phone line work to be done. For a second appropriately trained engineer available and not too far away to come and access the black box on the flat roof...twice. For persuading Jo to persuade the chap to bring the milk up on one of his trips to save both our legs. In a way I also gave thanks for it eventually being proved the fault was outside because everyone likes to be right even if it takes a very long time, but most of all, of course, for finally having the internet that works properly again.

I give thanks for getting a few useful things done through the afternoon's disruption, and even more for being able to relax and rest at last. For watching the weather change from sunshine to rain and back again over and over throughout the day. For bacon flavour salad sprinkles which I've been meaning to try for a while. They are tasty crunchy, vegetarian and potentially versatile I should think though so far I've only sprinkled them over something that wasn't salad!

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