Monday 13 January 2020


I give thanks the internet was still working this morning albeit very slowly, and for eventually managing to persuade my ancient printer to produce a pile of bank statements for my Watercare tariff renewal. I'd literally just sealed the envelope and written the (mercifully) freepost address when the water company phoned to say they were reducing my monthly payments. That quick eh? Well actually no, this was because of my unexpectedly minimal water consumption over the last year...and there's going to be a chunky rebate too! I give thanks trying to be ecologically economical can sometimes also have financial benefits...

I give thanks though the chap from the local charity didn't want my old chairs he took my old table away. Every little helps - everyone! For politely insisting several times someone sort my schedule for next Monday when I'm due to have a little op on my fistula at the same time I'm due to have dialysis. And for it being done, though of course I'll have to be at the hospital about the time I'd normally be getting out of bed! Hopefully that will all go smoothly, unlike cancelling my taxi for tonight as Clive was picking me up...when the taxi still arrived, and Clive went to the wrong hospital! For storm Brenda being gentle while I waited...

I give thanks for raising B&Q on the way home for some batten and brackets for shelves that will go up one day, and for a bathroom towel rail that is up now. Oh the sophistication! For a mahoosive fish and chip supper to share according to our individual dietary requirements...

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