Thursday 30 January 2020


All the recent talk and thinking of travelling and walks meant I had it in my head to try to fit in a short non-shopping related stroll today. When I woke up feeling particularly rough therefore, I was quite grateful for the uninviting drizzly weather! I give thanks the noise of the workman downstairs meant staying in bed wasn't especially appealing either, so that I made it to up, dressed and on the sofa in time for a visit from the charity link worker about their home help service. It's the kind of role that can lead to a way of talking that seems to me like talking down, and though it probably is unconscious or not meant to come across that way but I'm grateful for not feeling such a hopeless case by the time the chap had gone. I give thanks meanwhile the sun had come out so I went back to plan A and inched along the coast around the corner so I could see a different view...and, as a bonus, one that was for a while free of people! Oh what a treat for my soul if not my knees and back...

I give thanks for a snooze on the sofa on my return, and then for Julie and Spencer coming round to move various pieces of furniture and possessions around so we could get to the one remaining woodchipped wall and strip it. For the good feeling of to completing that step towards completion. For the taking time to admire the fab sunset while we were doing it, and to make a quick trip to the big recycling bins and the supermarket where we  collected more stuff that will eventually need its packaging recycling, which is pretty much the way the world works for most of us now. I give thanks for leftovers for tea, as I am a mite fatigued to put it mildly. And talking of mild I give thanks the weather is too...

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