Friday 7 July 2017

Giant leap

I give thanks to Googlemaps for making me laugh. I was searching for the Giant's Causeway and it said 'would you like directions?' so I said public transport if you please...and... after a long actually came up with a couple of routes. The first one included setting off in a short while and ambling around Birmingham city centre in the wee small hours before getting a bus to Aberdeen... and then one from there to Belfast via the Stena ferry from Cairnryan...and then a few more rides the other side to close by. There's a difference between possible and probable of course but I have to admit I was impressed!

I give thanks for enjoying going to the writers' group from the social aspect...which is an unusual enough experience for me anyway. For a reason to be out on a balmy summer's evening, with a sunset painting the sky, the scent of roses peeping over the wall and my little legs carrying me along. For remembering I am a writer before, during and afterwards, as I suspect my fellow members consider me a lightweight in the words department, not producing a narrative in the improvisation style exercise but a descriptive musing too akin to (probably bad) poetry for the others' tastes. Oh well, if they don't mind me being me I'm pretty sure there's no one else I can be...if it gets to the stage where I feel I'm not offering anything anyone appreciates it's not compulsory I keep going is it? Though a black sheep/bottom of the heap sort always has a value in any sort of group - they can make the rest feel better about themselves..

I give thanks for coming across this article on Facebook later - nice timing Universe!

That was yesterday, today I've been rather too weary and teary for much in the way of giant leaps of faith or dancing steps of gratitude. I give thanks for soldiering on trying to stand my ground in the seemingly endless struggles to keep the drear at bay...and to remember, much as it may feel like a battelfield at times, it's not. For cleaning because I find it soothing to make what order I can in the chaos. Keep on breathing in and out... Remember none of it is real...

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