Tuesday 25 July 2017

This may sound strange

This may sound strange...but I give thanks I've not been feeling so miraculously well the last few days. Facing the things ahead I dread might be easier if they seem necessary rather than some cruel and unjust punishment foisted on me unwillingly and undeservedly.

This may sound strange...but I give thanks I don't have as much money or love as I think I would like. It's easy to think a more comfortable and comforting home and more caring companionship would make both the present and the future more bearable. But who knows? Maybe they wouldn't and then what would there be to believe in at all?

I give thanks for the neighbourhood noise levels being mostly conducive to a day of quiet contemplation...along with domestic chores of course. For coming up with ideas for small dainty dishes to tempt my jaded appetite...and being bothered to produce them! For a Tesco delivery with some delicious lemon biscuits that helped as well... For a good book to leave my thoughts behind. For not being as sore or stiff as I feared I might.

Plus I'm still giving thanks for yesterday of course. The greatest times of joy for me now are often when it seems as if I've rediscovered a part of me I've lost. Yesterday I discovered something I'd never had!

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