Sunday 22 April 2018

Spirit in the Sky

I give thanks for the pretty hazy sunset last night, though that promised storm never properly broke around here.

For dreaming I was in Geneva and there was a stunning mackerel sky. I felt rather guilty about breaking the travel ban...and annoyed I'd not taken my camera!

For getting a little more craftwork and housework done... For realising a bonus of increasing age and debilitating disease is that you can be almost as pleased you did the washing up in the evening as once you might have been to abandon it to go out and party instead!

For sorting out a large bag of unwanted knitting yarn. And for delving into more ancient paperwork - something I often find rather poignant and disturbing, but as it's unlikely I'll ever have anyone to share my memories with, nor any descendant who will want to gain a sense of who I've been, letting go of what I can also feels helpful and healthy. Besides...if I move home before I move to heaven there'll be less to carry, right?

Today I've had bouts of great busyness then times in between of too much pain and rest and sleep. I give thanks for both...and the bit when I sat on the sea front in the almost sunshine in between the mist.

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