Sunday 1 April 2018

Why does it always rain on me?

After three fistula surgeries I give thanks I now feel ready to add some handy hints to the hospital booklet's list of dos and don'ts. Don't have the operation if you have a stoma to deal with; don't go there if you have a head of curly hair... And, if possible, only have it done during the summer months so there's less clothes to struggle in and out of!

Today I give thanks for eventually getting dressed in many pull on layers and taking out the recycling and mail to post. For Mima suggesting sharing of snacks and a flask of tea in a car park with a scenic view and arriving just before the rain and steamed up windows obscured it. For my new heater, a hot bath and a hot water bottle on my return - even though we only walked to and from the car the damp and chill gets deep in your bones some days.

I give thanks for sight of families out and about despite the dreary weather, I hope they had some fun! I give thanks for it being just right for me to do some more dossing around as I need a bit more yet. I give thanks I have this once loved but long forgotten tune now playing my head...And for men in kilts!

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