Wednesday 19 September 2012


Morning sunshine splitting into rainbows through my window crystals and dancing in the breeze

Sofa glue and eye lid cement creating an afternoon drifty doze

Finding an old story I thought I'd work on and deciding I liked it just the way it is. Sometimes collections of words, like tunes, are ripe for a remix...but sometimes they are a product of the time they reached their final state and you need to move on and create anew

Sending messages without visible addresses and them reaching the intended recipients... and other forms of cosmic harmony

Cyclamen growing in the crack at the base of a pavement side wall. Lilac petals between grey stone

Swimming. Yes I finally did it. Scary, wonderful and more exhausting than I would have thought possible but very glad I did, and that after the bouncy buoyancy I somehow got my gravity laden body out of the water made it home...

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