Monday 3 September 2012

Time out

Today was one of those days when I'm in awe of the loveliness of where I live. People often say they feel like they're on holiday here when they're just visiting for a few hours and I tell them I feel the same after almost five years! The real tourists are thinning out now and so I thought after having my blood taken and so on I'd better fill in some of the gaps here and there on a couple of beaches, stopping at various points for refreshment of body and soul. I give thanks for cuppas and chips as cheap as just chips elsewhere...For friendly cabbies, shopkeepers, health care assistants...

My sensible head was saying 'Now, don't wear yourself out before tomorrow' but my even more sensible one said 'Let tomorrow take care of itself...if you feel up to a stroll in the sunshine today go for it!'. I gave thanks for the twitter of starlings hiding on the flat roof of the theatre and planning their evening display, for the heady scent of petunias and rose bushes in the flower beds by the crazy golf. For the fact that I WAS tired and so when I got home I didn't do lots of the kind of things I used to do before I go away which are good to have done, but not necessarily especially good to do, and certainly not essential.

All being well, this time ish tomorrow I'll be telling you how smooth the journey was, how great the place and who knows what else...But if I don't, assume the reason is no internet access, OK? Or lots of fun? Don't start fretting and imagining grim scenarios for me please!

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