Saturday, 25 December 2021


 I give thanks for the thought of people waking up anticipating a special day. 

I give thanks for sound of the nursing staff laughing together. For the sound of the wind and rain outside. For the tinkle of the tea trolley like jingle bells. For the thoughtful wrapped gifts of toiletries they gave all the patients, although with my new line I can't shower unless I have a protective cover and they've none of those on the ward. Humph! 

For remarkably good food and drinks on offer although I still can't keep anything down for long. For lots of naps despite the various noises. For a lovely young female doctor and a rather alternative nurse I've met before. We share a passion for fizzy water. God how I'd love some of that to sip right now - the stuff that comes out of hospital is not helping with the nausea at all

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