Monday 26 March 2012

Further Update...

Hi again, more news from Gabi. She's been able to check the internet (as seen in the post a couple of hours ago) as is very grateful for your lovely comments, and the stoma is doing its job so progress is good. Regarding the recovery, she's improving daily. Even managed to eat a cinnamon whirl yesterday, so as long as she gets nice food brought in she'll be ok!

Phone signal is scarce and internet is even scarcer, so best point of contact is to visit or send a card, both of which would be much appreciated anyway. Any of the aforementioned visitors or cards should be directed to Lyme Ward, you'll be able to find the full address through a quick trip to Google.


  1. Hi Angel,
    Hope today finds you a few steps nearer going home to where you might get a glimpse of the sea, sadly missing where you are presently situated.
    My heart is giving thanks, that your retiring professor decided to do justice by you and give you a new lease on life.
    Love {{{gentle hugs}}}and best wishes Pat xx

  2. To those that googled to get Angels hospital address (as Lynn did)and found more than one, here it is:-
    c/o Lyme Ward,
    Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital,
    Barrack Road,
    EX2 5DW

  3. Tuesday Gratitude, today I give thanks for....

    Gabi feeling well enough to post on here yesterday and trust that she is continuing to improve.

    Another beautiful day to lift the spirits.

    The optimism of a wonderful 90 year old lady who came today for a "facelift" massage!

    The tiny little bird which accidentally flew into my lounge this morning and stayed for almost 20 mins before leaving

    and... the fact that the neighbours cat wasn't around at the time!

    Love and healing blessings Gabi - hope to see you soon,
    Janet xxx


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