Thursday 1 March 2012

Back up

I often get a kind of power surge after acupuncture. It's brilliant but has to be used wisely as you never know how long or strong it will be. One of my favourite things is to walk home via the sea front and up the hill with less moaning and groaning and huffing and puffing than usual. Sometimes I stop at the cafe if it is open but today it was shut. It might have been open earlier but I think perhaps not as the fog was so thick. Standing on the promenade you could see just a few feet to the first wave then nothing. The guys in the coastwatch lookout station said they'd had a fun day together but had had nothing to watch but a seagull or two. Amazing treat to be out and about in it on foot, not in a car.

So what else did I use my power for? Well I painted a couple of square metres of 'hide and seal' emulsion in the bedroom and a couple of linear ones of woodwork and made a yummy vegetable crumble with nutty topping ready for wind down time. Much gratitude for both of those...There's a spare portion in the freezer for when I come out of hospital. I must do what I can to make things easy for then. Most people I know who have had major abdominal surgery need a bit of looking after after but when I've mentioned my fear of the lack of it people either say 'Oh you're so tough, you'll manage' or 'Hmmm yes it will be hard' so unless I keep saying it and someone finally responds 'I'll pop in and see if there's anything I can do' or 'be sure and call if you need help' I'm guessing yes it will be hard and I'll just have to be tough... Going down the five flights of stairs to get the post or take out the rubbish is going to seem like journey to the centre of the earth...and back!

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