Friday 16 March 2012

Song song

Adele sang about chasing pavements but I've been chasing a prescription most of the last twenty four hours while a delivery of another one has been chasing me. Some clenching of teeth all round at the three local chemists, my GP surgery and by me of course in a comic/tragic tale more suited to Pam Ayres or Chas and Dave. Never mind, these things are sent to remind us all that my operation should improve the quality of more lives than merely mine!

I've had confirmation that the surgery is booked for a week today. I suspect a few butterflies will emerge when they make the first incision but mostly I am OK about everything. This is elective surgery original care plan ran out ages ago and we're in the equivalent of January 2013 on the Mayan calender!

Special thoughts to Jessica who is having an operation herself today, to Juanita recovering from one, and to Tony who seems to be on the mend and gathering strength for another round in the ring. A bucket full of love and strength to Carol in her quest to get to tick off some items on her list and to dear Carole of whom we've heard nothing for a while but who is in many of our thoughts. Metta requires that you wish all beings to be well, be happy and at peace. In some cases it's more, as Meat Loaf said, of two out of three ain't bad...

I give thanks to Rachel for coming up with the idea of asking for reconsideration of surgical intervention, for Dr Galli for agreeing to pass the request on officially and to Helen for confirming delivery of the patient at the appropriate time. To Primark for providing me with extra hospital wear at bargain prices. To the young man in Cafe Nero for seeming to genuinely mean it when he said my good humour had brightened his day, but for brightening mine anyway by saying so!

To Jared for his company on a well timed pre-planned trip to the wonderful Olive Tapas Eatery and for introducing me to this excellent song about the newspaper I realised the other day could legitimately be renamed the Daily Malice...

With all these names this post reads rather like an acceptance speech. All well and good. Let acceptance be the thought for the day...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like loads of things are going well for you...(apart from the prescription stuff).
    I am sure that things will get even better after the op.
    Take care, hugs. Carol x


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