Saturday 3 March 2012

Wake up

The OU course on world religion I studies had a few lines in it about most of the major ones starting when a man had an idea about how to live better. It went on to explain that as long as the first man and his first followers stayed together then they may indeed live better but that as soon as the new word spread and was practiced at other times and places then differences arose and tempered the benefits of the epiphany on the lives of those involved. The original idea had to be interpreted, and maybe argued over and enforced, with rifts growing or power struggles between members taking them further from the spirit of the original inspiration which tended to revolve around being compassionate and pure in thought and deed. Sometimes one of the followers would then have an idea about how to live better...

This section of the coursebook had a profound and lingering effect on me. Last night I had a profound and lingering dream that I was explaining what God really is to someone in front of the mirror over the basins in a ladies' toilet. I was quite vehement about it, that they understood and embraced the concept - not my usual 'Yes, well, you make your own arrangements...' self at all. And I woke up and thought 'Wow!' because it still made sense, as profundity in a dream has a tendency to become drivel in daylight. Of course I'm not going to share it with must make your own arrangements! I give thanks for the dream and thought though...

Now I must tidy up so my new cleaner can actually clean! I don't understand cleaning before a cleaner comes but if you can't put your own crap away how on earth can you expect someone else to know where it goes? I give thanks for a strong breeze blowing the fog away and for a sunny bright day and for being able to see the sea once more.

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