Thursday 8 March 2012

Oriental sin

Well that was an interesting day! Having heard that my operation is provisionally scheduled for two weeks tomorrow I realised I'd better do some stuff in the city in my 'lunch break' between appointments. I had a delicious lunch (alone!) of leek, apple and blue cheese tart and salad in a vegetarian cafe called Plant Food overlooking the cathedral green followed by a little light retail therapy including a purchase from Wilkinson's that is listed on the receipt as 'Oriental Sin' at £2.50. It was actually a single duvet cover set in a vaguely oriental design which is exactly what I'd been looking for to cut down to fit a favourite but very tired looking quilted throw and yes it really was £2.50 in their sale! So gratitude for those little treats and also for the pretty journey on the train along the coast and around the estuary...

I've come home with all manner of info and kit from the hospital including a pretend stoma to attach to your tummy to practice changing bags. I'm OK with that but have made it clear that if they think I'm going to wear a bag filled with water for a day or two to get used to the feeling of 'carrying' it and draining it (as also suggested) they have another think coming. My hands (and other body parts) have enough of bags and taps to deal with already thank you very much! Would you in my position I asked the stoma nurse? He declined to comment!

Everyone seems very positive about the sense and sensibility of having this surgery but rather worried about the lack of support and care in my personal life for the first six weeks or so afterwards. Yeah me too... and if anyone local reading this has any nurturing urges please feel free to demonstrate them over here during April!

I'd just finished typing that and the phone rang and it was Clive to ask if I'd heard any more about my operation. This was completely random and unconnected to my hospital visit today but he said to be sure and let him know when I'm going to be there as he will visit. Bless him... I know he will, he's done so before. He even did my washing once when I was in for a long time! Thanks also to Helen who has said she will take me there on admission day. She too has done this before as she goes that way early for work so not a huge amount of extra inconvenience for her but HUGELY appreciated by me! I'd finished typing that and looked up in time to watch a rather graceful blue and white tanker gently inching it's way through the safe passage towards our own estuary. Something else of which I'm very fond...and which reminded me of the full moon shining through a little gap where the curtains weren't pulled quite shut yesterday evening curtain...moved my head and there it was. So sudden and bright it made me jump!

Anyway I must away and practise convalescing...Hope you have all had a reasonable day...

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