Wednesday 14 March 2012

Treating pain

Ow! Ow! Ow! I was in hospital once with a woman who actually said 'ow' which, when you think about, it people don't often do...well not in public in England in adulthood...or not as much as she did. It's more common to groan or scream or swear (if you can't keep a silent, stiff upper lip of course!) and some research suggests that swearing may actually help as long as you don't do it all the time even when you're not hurting. If you live on your own you can do whatever you feel like of course. I've been making a lot of relatively involuntary 'in pain' sounds in the last twenty four hours and have decided that 'ow' has it's uses in that there are associations with those little hurts of childhood that a dab of Germolene and a hug make go away. They suggest the pain could be kissed better...ah yes...I see where this is going...round in a circle back to oxytocin! I keep meaning to express gratitude for Angela finding my blog, then finding the books and then offering to send them to me if I didn't have copies. Isn't that kind...isn't kindness good for you? Ha ha!

I give thanks for finding things to do during the night when the pain woke me and I couldn't get back to sleep. I did some metta and did some research for a friend and wrote a couple of messages. I also rummaged in my bedside biscuit tin for some oatcakes which were a pleasant distraction. What's that? Doesn't everyone have a bedside biscuit tin? Oh well, I give thanks for having that bright idea too!

I give thanks for managing to get showered and dressed before the earliest time the nurse could come...and that they didn't so that I could lie down again afterwards! I'm also grateful that I have that Reiki this afternoon as I'm sure it will help my spirit to get out in the fresh air and I have a package to collect from the Post Office too so I can do a round trip with taxis. Who knows I might even feel a little healed!

Warm thoughts to Tony, Juanita and Carole...I hope that you are being treated well in all senses of the phrase...

1 comment:

  1. Hey're back! That's great to hear and see. Talk to you soon my friend.



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