Sunday 4 March 2012

For Carole

Thinking of Carole this evening. Such a lovely lady she has always seemed to me although I've never actually met her. I have admired her perception and honesty since first encountering her on the Cancer Research forums where she had been encouraging and supporting other members for over a year already, and I was honoured to become one of her friends on Facebook and share some private thoughts with her on what to do when the doctors say there's little more that they can.

This sounds like an obituary but it's not. Carole is still with us and still fighting but it sounds as if she is reaching the stage when it's kinder to wish her a peaceful retirement from the battlefield than to take up arms again. If she rallies I shall be cheering with the best of them... and anyway why wait til someone is out of earshot to say good things of them? Of course, if people come together in a place like a cancer chat room there's always the knowledge that friendships may be cut short. Sometimes, just like in 'well world', it's hard to get your head round the order of things though...

I give thanks for having the opportunity to know Carole a little, and that she is being loved and cared for at this difficult time. For intense blue sea with a multitude of white foam flecks like stars on a painted ceiling. For getting some decorating jobs done in between a telly fest. And for Neil Oliver's voice. They've got him advertising Scotland now...didn't he already, he he?

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