Thursday 14 February 2013

Birthday surprise!

I am notoriously bad at opening cards and gifts and last night I was delighted to read something in a book that counteracted years of being told this is annoying! It's actually a sign of enlightenment, you know...allegedly! So, if anyone has sent me something and wonders why they haven't been thanked properly...I'm sorry I'm on a higher plane just now and I'll do the unwrapping when I come back down for tea! I really am extremely grateful for messages, cards and gifts but even more so for the kind thoughts  inspiring them.

A lovely power cut (all that darkness and stillness...yum yum, AND it didn't last long enough to get cold - perfect!) contributed to a very late night... that and an unscheduled sofa nap in the evening, and waking up and realising if I didn't get a few things done I'd have to do them today..well, later today I guess. So I was running a bath at half past midnight and thought I'd unwrap my new 'shocking' pink Comfizz vest...and inside there was a birthday card from Charlotte, 'my' agent at the medical supply company! Not a company printed one, a real one with a hand written message and signed. She knew it was my birthday as I'd been joking that although the knickers were delayed I wasn't really of an age and physical firmity to go commando... I guess you'd remember a customer like that... What a lovely gesture though! And I opened the envelope because I didn't realise it was a birthday card, in case you're wondering...

I'm grateful to M&S for increasing their waist high pants range to include a few pairs suitable for those who are not elderly or obese. Nothing wrong with either state, you understand, but I'm neither and really would prefer to delay the accoutrements until I am if that's OK with you...I've only recently acquired a 'middle aged' style body and if I live long enough for it to get 'old' I'll deal with that then... Yep, deluded...happy with that too! Gratitude also for my new life enhancing bamboo toast tongs...a snip at £1.99 from Lakeland!

Anyway, I must away and get on with my day...good job I hoovered the magic carpet last night. Had fun with this photo first glance you might almost think it's not a selfie...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a bit like that with my lotto tickets, I know it's not the same, but if I don't check it straight away I can still have the thought in my head that it's the winner! ( Very plausable I think, I mean, someone's got to win right? )

    And I'm amazed Lakeland sell anything for £1.99! I love the shop, but it's so expensive I very rarely go in.

    Enjoy the rest of your day


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