Tuesday 5 February 2013

All around the world

Going a bit multi cultural today...giving thanks for a great BBC4 documentary about the Sherpas who work on Everest climbs, their home lives and homes etc

For the very lively and enlivening music and dance company Mundi dance...African dance but a mixed race group and hailing from Bristol I caught up with on Got to Dance. Wonderful energy and harmonies...If that kind of thing does't stir your soul you've forgotten your roots, but I'll let you off - it was a very long time ago!

For the soothing and uplifting sounds of Imee Ooi's work. Be warned: she sets Buddhist chants to music so heaven knows what Christians would make of it... and of the other persuasions, at least I know atheists should be able to make their own arrangements! Talking of which I found this rather interesting, about non-believers' Sunday gatherings in a de-consecrated church...http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-21319945

After yesterday's leg work I've been hammering those thumbs, wrists and elbows again today with housework, knitting and typing and must away to use up the rest of those marked down ready made dishes from the supermarket while I can still operate a fork. Bought mashed potato and roasted veg? Shocking, I know, but at less than a pound for enough for two meals (with a few additions) would be foolish not to really! I think the rest of the day will be spent in Cape and Congo with David Attenburgh and 'Between Two Worlds' (India and USA) in the Ravi Shankar documentary. Get about a bit don't I? Deep gratitude for modern(ish) technology for transporting me...


  1. Thank you for the lovely review of mundi it's much appreciated xx

  2. You are most welcome...and thank you for thanking me and reminding me how much I enjoyed watching!


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