Friday 8 February 2013

Small Beer

Yay, Lynn's got internet at home at last...I give thanks for that but I'm also grateful for no wifi or proper phone signal here! Of course I can use the laptop and wired internet but doing that for anything other than writing my blog seems a) slightly impolite and b) very unholiday like!

I'm grateful that Peter's sister sent him a cosy dressing gown which arrived just before I got out of bed this morning so, as he was already up and dressed, I could borrow it and slob about a little longer!

Thanks for a very pleasant ambly rambly day around and about Beer, including a short stretch of Coast Path where I was 'sent on ahead' on so I could feel like as if I was Really Walking (a tremendous treat) but could be met by a car and a flask of tea before it became too arduous (likewise). Lovely views from some favourite but rarely visited spots (you'll just have to take my word for now...) and remarkably clement weather...oooh and my tea cooked again tonight!

Changing the subject so going on about my mini-holiday doesn't get boring...
'Black stone Heart, bit of damage on the one side and not a very good polish...'
Sounds like a character from Pirates of the Caribbean but it's a description of an item in the latest Beadaholics sale. Thanks to Jan for an unexpected chuckle the other day!

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