Thursday 7 February 2013

Escot service

I was writing a great blog post in the car park of Sainsbury's a little while ago while Peter hunted and gathered for my tea...but I can't get a signal on my phone here at his flat and it refuses to let me tell his laptop what I said earlier, so you will just have to take my word for what a pleasant time I've been having on my 'holiday' so far...rather than the words I wrote before!

I'm grateful my journey was smooth and I managed to outrun the rain that had just started in Exeter when I left. Pleasant weather contributed to an extremely enjoyable afternoon at Escot - a place we chose to visit as much for proximity to the station and the cheap deal for registered disabled and their 'carers', rather than any great expectation of delight. Can't show you the pictures just now... taken my phone...but it is a woody and wonderful place, with an excellent tea room, 'saxon' village, beech maze and the cutest red squirrels...all the more wonderful for being mostly open just for us no doubt! Lots of gratitudes in there but that will have to do for now as my tea has just been delivered. Great thanks for that too...

Oh and I found this earlier and saved it (not on my phone)...rather heart warming or maybe foot warning

1 comment:

  1. Hope Peter hunted something good for tea, it reminded me of Peter and the wolf, don't think Sainsburys stock them though, and i'm sure you'd be even less happy if they did! Pleased your trip away is going well, i've finally got my phone and internet on, so here's to connecting with you a bit more.



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