Tuesday 26 February 2013

At a stretch

Yay! I found my arthritis gloves - AWOL for a couple of days and sorely missed yesterday as they are close fitting and fingerless and ideal for wearing out on cold days with or without normal ones on top! I'm also delighted to see they are 'extra small' since I ordered replacement/spare pair (after searching in all the usually suspected places and some downright daft ones too!) and couldn't be sure which size I'd had before. I'm particularly grateful that someone makes stretchy gloves for child size but effectively ancient hands! I've found another that makes them with a 'flexible' thumb splint (allegedly) but they're waiting for new stock so we'll have to wait and see about that...

I'm grateful I know a morning stretch invigorates you and if you stretch your arms while you're still lying down and knock your bedside water over that will really wake you up!

It's been a murky grey and still day here today, and decidedly nippy. Ideal for staying indoors so I'm grateful I have doors to stay behind and for these pictures of more scenic weather phenomena http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/feeds/21592661

I give thanks I've three creme egg chicks more or less completed for Volunteering in Health and another part done pending uncramping of hands. Grateful to Laura too for donating some felt for the beaks to arrive tomorrow...

I give thanks that Tesco Finest ready meals were on special offer this week....they are all the finer for it! And for hearing from Juanita. All non-spam comments are welcome as long as they are in the spirit of appreciating the wonderfulness of life, but it's easy to take for granted that we can exchange comments with those we have not met, even those who live a very long way away without waiting a very long time!

1 comment:

  1. bit dull, bit rainy and a lovely wavy windy day leaves n cats scattering around the garden!!!looking forward to sunshine as well : )


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