Wednesday 13 February 2013

Present and correct

My mojo's been on reduced hours the last few weeks so I've been delighted to have her put in a full shift today!

For a start my favourite cab driver was free...though he wanted to come a bit earlier than my booking to fit in with the rest of his. Some post had arrived when I went to meet him and he was calling out to me from his cab parked outside when I bent down to pick it turned out the he had the thing the postman had left a card saying he needed a signature for, having signed for it!

You must think I'm soft in the head but I still hope there'll be a handful of birthday cards for me. Never mind there was my Streak which I have missed dearly while it had its screen replaced, and some of my long awaited prescription support wear (one item arrived so far out of four requested in November!) and my train tickets for my trip up north...all of which I am truly grateful for. And anyway I had already set aside a few hours and a few pounds to go and get the necessaries. The necessaries? Well, I'm always going to be a bit giftily challenged aren't I...not having a mum, a sister, a daughter, a bestie or a boyfriend...and having a birthday fall on Valentine's Day means that you do see a lot of other people actually getting far more fuss made of them than you, so what you have to do is go and buy yourself some smellies and chocolates and underwear, or whatever you'd have liked to have been bought, because you really ARE worth it...

Despite all the grumbling going around today's weather was exactly the weather I'd ordered too, so much thanks for that! Low cloud and rain makes the shops quieter and turns the estuary colours to cappuccino and steam. I gave thanks in Thornton's and Lush when they were out of the very things I'd gone to buy... but my mojo accompanied the sales staff to the back of the storerooms and manifested the missing goods as only a mojo knows how!

I gave thanks for a fun time at the doctor' seriously, it was! We always have a chuckle and she says she always learns something from me. She's also asked if I'd mind having a chat with one of the medical students as it's good for them to see patients who don't tick the boxes or fit into the mould. Yep, always pleased and proud to be considered a useful weirdo! Which reminds me, I'm also grateful for a very fruitful and friendly email exchange with Metcheck, the weather site, about a bug on there. I didn't think I'd get a response at all, let alone an interaction that led to them fixing it. OK, mojo, you can put the kettle on and hand me the remote control if you'd be so kind... you should always speak nicely to your mojo, you know...

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