Sunday 10 February 2013

Five finest things

First gratitude this morning was for a mug of tea and a hot cross bun. The best thing about Christmas being over is the return of a variety hot cross buns to the shop shelves. Personally I can Taste the Difference if they're not the Finest sort, you know, but they're Truly Irresistible when they are!

Second and third for the sight of the saltwater kingfishes' upriver circle dance and springboks pronking as shown on an episode of BBC Africa documentary.  No one understands quite why either creature does what it does which makes the phenomena all the more special to me... and so my fourth gratitude is for the greatness of the unknown.

Lastly, lately our friends and family and followers who are no longer here the way they were before have been rather on my mind. I'm glad I had the chance to spend what time I did with them but I miss our contact and communication too. Passed and past pets are in my thoughts as well...So my fifth thanks is that love is, and doesn't rely on verbal communication or species compatibility to be a fine and splendid thing.

1 comment:

  1. missing is meant to be a blessing ??that they were there and are still but in a different way xx


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