Saturday 3 August 2013

Crock chick

They say a change is as good as a rest, and I've been very grateful for the change but am giving much thanks for rest today. I cannot keep up an active pace for long even for pleasant activities and after all that exploring the French countryside exploring contours of the sofa, the view inside my eyelids etc has been most welcome today. I give thanks for a freezer of food to feed me, a washing machine to share the load of laundry and that my houseplants have survived the indoor drought.

As we got home so late last night many possessions are still with Laura so gratitude I've only had half the unpacking too...including cheap and very cheerful china from a second hand stall in a street market we passed on the way north to the ferry. We also stopped off at place with almost house size boulders, a glorious garden of sub tropical plants and flowers and a landscape that seemed to be from another country entirely (New Zealand maybe?). I'm grateful for another bumper harvest of experience stored in my memory... and memory card too, I hope, though that's more sorting out that will have to wait until I've rested some more. I give thanks in anticipation for a bowl of soup for supper...

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