Wednesday 21 August 2013

Shades of meaning

I give thanks for remembering that supplements you actually swallow have a better chance of helping you in some way than the ones just sitting on the shelf, and getting back on the rosehip pills this morning. After a difficult night things have been less painful today and I've been very grateful for that, though taking it gently still, just catching up on a few household chores and doing a bit more of the projects. This one is clearly still a work in progress but it is progressing...

I give thanks for a patch of sunlit garden, a book by the Dalai Lama and some Imee Ooi music on my headphones; for folding chairs and digital music players! For the wasp that landed on my T-shirt covered navel and just rested there calmly for a minute or so while I calmly admired its markings. For the enthusiastic greeting from some friendly neighbourhood dogs and a few words pleasant words exchanged with a couple of humans...

And this evening, rather strangely, I had gratitude too for realising I didn't have as much tub salt left as I thought...because I was actually losing the will to dye!

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