Saturday 10 May 2014

29 easy pieces

At least I think there are...not counting not counting the facings! Today I'm very grateful I've finished the mosaic dress. It wasn't a complicated garment to make but there sure was a lot of careful cutting and sewing. I didn't set out to make a wearable Alhambra palace but the fabric seemed to require it, and it does feel rather fabulous on. Clearly there aren't enough challenges in my life...or more to the point there are but they are the same old same old ones every day so it was good to set myself something different. And yes, I should get out more...and yes, that's another challenge... I'm grateful it does actually remind me of being in Granada as I've had a real yen to go to Spain again where I used to wander off to quite often.

I'm grateful for achieving some other goals today, overcoming the challenges to getting up and getting dressed and keeping myself fed and clean and in moderately good cheer in the exclusion zone. And for getting enough rests in between the getting things done so that the done things could be...

I give thanks for that stew simmering away aromatically and creating a homely, cared for feeling. And for almost making my bed with clean sheets...enough to lie on and have a lovely nap anyhow!

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