Saturday 24 May 2014

Bird feeder

I give thanks for Bank Holiday weekends on behalf of those for whom they make a pleasant difference - an outing or a treat perhaps, family time...or even just work for more money. Usually, when I've got over the usual disappointment that no one wants me to join in any of their extra leisure (and indeed why should they?) I'm grateful that I have less to attend to in the life admin department because office admin departments are shut...and no appointments to keep...and sometimes, some extra physical silence about the place while others around are off doing all the fun things there are to do around here, though sometimes, equally, when everyone comes back from their excursions tired and emotional in all senses it can make me a bit that way too...and then I give thanks for headphones...

I give thanks for a new series of Wallander and that it's lasting me for ages as I'm finding it clashes with the long light nights - you can't watch Nordic Noir when the sun's up! Well, I can't anyway, and have to wait til it's dark and watch as much as I can before the need for sleep takes over, which is sometimes just a few minutes...

I give thanks for making myself some nice things to eat (nut roast, crumble, a big mixed salad and garlic bread - though not all at once!) and working on some nice things to wear...

I give thanks for the colours of woodpigeons...and one having a plod around close up to the window so I could admire them better. For rain so light you can't see it, just hear it the fluttering leaves as it lands. Oh, and the sky dark apocalyptic sort too on a long afternoon (see above!)

And talking of birds, I give thanks for various pains waking me up in the morning before the crows do so I can shut windows or put earplugs in so they don't, if you see what I mean...

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