Thursday 1 October 2015

Change org

I give thanks for a change in the weather today - well, in the strength of wind anyway as I can be a bit stirred up when it's blowy and want to rush about.  I give thanks for a lie in this morning, after rescheduling a blood test and discovering the package I thought I had to get up to wait to be delivered was already safe with a kindly neighbour. I give thanks she admired my cardigan when I went to collect it - it's a good garment for starting a conversation!

I give thanks for plotting a change around and reorganisation. It's good to have a plan in stages if you live in a fairly confined space and can run out of energy or find yourself with too much pain to continue with very little warning. I give thanks for taking the first steps...and then the second ones when I couldn't reach the back of the high shelves! I give thanks for moderating my anti hoarding urges but still getting a big bag of stuff ready for departure to pastures new...with more in the 'just until I'm absolutely sure' pile. I give thanks for lots of rest and recuperation between manoeuvres and, when neither stopping nor starting the activity failed to shift my rather grumpy down in the dumpy mood, for a recorded Rude Tube for making me laugh it off a little instead.

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