Saturday 3 October 2015

Softly softly

I give thanks for not trying too hard to go to sleep when I'm awake in the night. It's a pretty pointless thing to do as the effort is not at all relaxing. I give thanks for hearing other folk around and about quietly awake as well, as well as the odd raucous ones quickly passing by.

I give thanks for trying to meditate instead - a task in which the trying is the whole point, where even if only two breaths here and there pass without having to note the incursion of thoughts, just noting the incursion of thoughts is helpful let alone the bits in between! I give thanks that after a while, even in a very 'thinky' meditate my thoughts change and insights and solutions to conundrums arrive unpuzzled over - so it's enlightenment of some sort anyway!

I give thanks that though I felt particularly rough this morning I realised this was partly in contrast to the not rough feelings I've enjoyed lately instead. I give thanks for an afternoon out on various consumer quests with Laura, enjoying each others company, the warm weather and pretty soft light between the shopping stops and coming back with treasures from a delightfully unfull Trago!

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