Wednesday 18 May 2016

Bit on the side

I give thanks for the little cross body jade leather bag I found in Totnes market earlier this year...not only for its intrinsic and serendipitous pre-loved charm but because I take it with me if I go to the big recycling bins and might...just might...have a cuppa on the seafront before I come home so take a bit of cash in the inside pocket. And sometimes I find the change next time I look!

I give thanks for noticing a funny lump when I was trying on some of the summer clothes I've been making/scouring ebay for (just in case we get some or I go and get some somewhere else). It's nothing to worry about, just odd and rather my left arm is too weak to do much, and my charm too weak to have people say 'Hey, let me do that for you!', I have one bulging bicep on the right!

I give thanks my aches and pains were a bit gentler today so I could go out and get some more. For the changeable weather...for not getting wet in the interminable waits for late buses...and for resisting the temptation just to lie down by the side of the road at the ones that meanly don't have seats where you can see the bit of it you need to.

I give thanks for one of those little Italian lemony custard filled crunchy croissant things to munch when I finally got nearly where I needed to go...and for a man shouting on the pavement about bargains in his close to closing time baker's shop so I could get a lovely light rye loaf and a solid English bun for later.

I give thanks for swapping my envy of the folk in private vehicles getting from A to B more quickly, and sometimes more companionably, than I for gratitude for my top deck view over the hedges to the crazy patchwork of crops, and cropped and red ploughed fields...

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